The Haza-Talál Foundation for Refugees visited Subotica!

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We are happy to share with you that the team of the Home-To-Find Refugee Foundation visited Subotica to establish contacts with several local organizations.

The aim of the cooperation is to support refugees more effectively and to find solutions to the biggest challenges together.

Our founding team arrived in Subotica on 21 March, where we were welcomed by the director of Caritas Subotica (Subotica Charity).

In one of Caritas' headquarters, the Blaha Lujza confectionery and bakery, we talked about the humanitarian situation in the South and the aims of our foundation.

The confectionery was an unusual location, as the catering unit, run by Karitàsz, not only produces fantastic, additive-free, traditionally made pastries and confectionery products, but also offers employment opportunities for people who are finding it difficult to enter the labour market. If you are passing by, don't miss it! You will not be disappointed!

The charity's director very kindly offered to help us get in touch with Belgrade and Sarajevo to meet the aid organisations there. As a result we managed to have a short video conference with the Swiss charity in Sarajevo. Details of this will be in a subsequent post...

The next day we spent the day again with the staff of the Freetown relief organisation, and managed to learn more about the refugee situation in Serbia, as well as to see the outside of the now empty refugee camp on the outskirts of Subotica.

After a short sightseeing tour, we returned home full of experiences.

We are grateful to the organisation in Freetàka for their warm welcome and commitment. This tour has opened up new opportunities and perspectives for us. We are confident that working together can improve the lives of many more people.

További bejegyzések

Sarajevo (22-24 May)

Belgrád, irány Szarajevó! Május 22-én hajnalban útra keltünk Szarajevóba, a Miljacka folyó által szegélyezett városba. Még aznap felvettük a kapcsolatot a svájci Caritas-szal és egy

Belgrade (13-15 May)

Előző posztunkban beszámoltunk nektek szabadkai látogatásunkról és az ottani élményeinkről. Ez azonban csak a kezdet volt, hiszen nem sokkal később Belgrád lett az úti célunk.

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