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Rest assured that your donation will be used transparently — in line with the Foundation's goals — to help refugees.

Kéz a kézben

There is no Family to dream about to live the life of refugees.”

Melissa Fleming

Let get to know Us!

Since 2015, when the wave of the refugees has reached Hungary, I have fondled the idea, that I should have reorganized the volunteer job under of a new foundation.

The time is running, and the pandemic has changed our life notably. But 24th of February 2022, a war is broken out at my neighbors, lots of people needed help from Hungary, I have done my duty with all-out effort with my friend from my childhood. He has become the founder of our Foundation.

Since then, I was several times as a volunteer at the area of Hungarian-Ukrainian border (Tiszabecs, Beregsurány), and next to my duty, and I worked upon the plan of an own Foundation.

We worked together with the volunteers of Hungarian Baptists and Maltese’s, we had got only one huge, common purpose: to help the people in times of need.

Unfortunately, because of the war, this job is nowadays also relevant, so obviously our main purpose to continue the helping. However, the confession of our new foundation is over the Ukrainian war. The main purpose of our organization to protect the human rights of every people (irrespective of generic, ethnic, religious backgrounds), in particular those in need of international protection (applicants, refugees, asylum seekers, admitted, stateless, protected persons) and their family members, arriving to our country or transit through Hungary.

The confession of the foundation is more, than to support the Ukrainian refugees. The aim of my organization to provide the appropriate treatment and human rights for all people in our country, regardless of genre, religions, ethnical differences. One of our main purpose – with this end in view of the reuniting of the families – supporting the refugees to reach their original or their new home.

The name of the foundation reflects this idea, it has got dual meaning. It could be translated, like FIND THEIR WAY HOME. HAZA-TALÁL

On the one hand the refugees can GO BACK THEIR HOMELAND, if the circumstances are safe. HAZATALÁLNAK.

On the other hand their can FIND A NEW HOME, a new homeland. In this case, we have to help them to integrate to the new culture, to become useful members of society. EGY ÚJ HAZÁT TALÁLNAK.

Enduring general interest objectives of the Foundation

Promote social, cultural and social integration of persons arriving in Hungary, in particular those in need of international protection (applicants, refugees, refugees, recipients, stateless, protected) and members of their families through targeted programmes.

Particular attention is paid to the successful integration of refugee women, as well as children who come without parents or families.

The physical, mental and social rehabilitation of refugees and the protection of their rights in official proceedings and public services is its priority goal.


Community building,
facilitating dialogues

It establishes and operates a national network of facilitators, contributes to their successful integration by recruiting volunteers, engaging students in higher education and teaching English and Hungarian languages.

health assistance

It explores employment and housing opportunities for participation in the labour market, acquires Hungarian enterprises, multinational companies, and seeks to win tender funds provided by the EU, international NGOs and Hungarian government agencies.

of events

It organises education and intercultural training for refugees in order to better navigate Hungary and for their helpers, volunteers, health workers, educators and social professionals to promote rapprochement and mutual understanding between different cultural, ethnic and social groups.

of events

Organizes and coordinates social, cultural, youth, information and mental health programs.

of studies

It prepares multilingual educational publications, brochures on the prospects and successful integration strategies of refugees, and provides information on the characteristics of the route ahead and the expected conditions at the destination on migration routes.

Medical and mental
health assistance

He regularly provides health, psychological, life coaching and other personalised assistance, as well as mental health and medical assistance to refugees on the road along migration routes and focal points.

Cooperation with
other organisations

The primary guild of the Foundation is to establish and maintain cooperation with domestic and foreign human rights, charitable and other social organizations supporting refugees.

of events

It organises events involving civil society organisations working for similar goals to promote the integration of refugees into society, with a view to combating discrimination.

Current News

Sarajevo (22-24 May)

Belgrád, irány Szarajevó! Május 22-én hajnalban útra keltünk Szarajevóba, a Miljacka folyó által szegélyezett városba. Még aznap felvettük a kapcsolatot a svájci Caritas-szal és egy

Tovább a cikkre

Belgrade (13-15 May)

Előző posztunkban beszámoltunk nektek szabadkai látogatásunkról és az ottani élményeinkről. Ez azonban csak a kezdet volt, hiszen nem sokkal később Belgrád lett az úti célunk.

Tovább a cikkre


Change starts here!

The events of the refugee crisis in the summer of 2015 created a highly charged situation in Hungary, both politically and from a humanitarian point of view, in which volunteering became a means of expressing a politically meaningful opinion. By providing information, water or food to the refugees, volunteers were not only making up for a missing service, but defying government policy. Through the provision of aid moral conviction mobilised even those who had not previously taken an active role in political affairs. This suggests that, in the highly politicised context of the refugee crisis, volunteering was in fact (also) a form of activism advocating for social change.

The activism and the new forms of collective action that emerged in the wake of the refugee crisis and the preceding anti-refugee campaign showed that less politically active groups, for whom activism and political engagement in the classical sense was not a common form of expression, could be mobilised for a social or political cause.

These new forms of political expression have also opened the way for new groups to take action for social change.

It remains to be seen whether the empowering nature and mobilising effect of participation (Drury and Reicher, 2005) will in the long term change the propensity of Hungarian society to express its views and take collective action on social and political issues.


Support us, to create a more livable future!

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